Kingswood: 01179673649

Yate: 01454329901


Our Managerment team are all experienced lead professionals with fully accredited paediatric first aid training

Abi Cox

Senior Company Manager

  Designated Safegaurding Lead

Leanne Newman

Kingswood Settings Manager  

  Designated Safegaurding Lead

Joanna Henshall

Yate Settings Manager    

  Designated Safegaurding Lead

Lisa Swales

The Oaks Settings Manager    

  Designated Safegaurding Lead

The Oaks: 07483330634

Opening Hours Monday - Friday 07:30- 18:00


All food is freshly prepared on site by our experienced cooks.  

Fresh seasonal locally sourced produce is used.  

We can accommodate individual dietary requirements or individual food preferences.

Vegetarian, dairy and food allergies  in line with company procedures.

Seasonal menus that run over a 4-week period and can be seen in our reception area.

Children have access to drinking water at all times and will be offered Milk with snacks

*vegetarian & vegan options available

(these will include meat replacements such as Quorn.)

**Foods that include children’s choice and favourite meals