Our Managerment team are all experienced lead professionals with fully accredited paediatric first aid training
Abi Cox
Senior Company Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead
Leanne Newman
Kingswood Settings Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead
Joanna Henshall
Yate Settings Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead

Lisa Swales
The Oaks Settings Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead

The Oaks: 07483330634
Opening Hours Monday - Friday 07:30- 18:00
Early years entitlement 2-4 Year Olds
We offer both the Universal Entitlement of Early Years Funding and the Extended Entitlement of Early Years Funding for working parents. Your child is entitled to the funding the term after their third birthday.
All children are entitled to 15 funded hours per week, for 38 weeks per year. We do enable the opportunity to extend these hours along with wrap around care charges to ensure your child can attend all year around. Please see our fee’s information sheet on a visit to the setting.
Early years entitlement 2-4 Year Olds
Little Oaks Day Nursery Service Charge
We have implemented a Services Charge for all funded hours delivered. This hourly charge is for lunch periods, meals and cost of all consumables.
For additional information and support with fee’s please visit the Government site Childcare choices.