Our Managerment team are all experienced lead professionals with fully accredited paediatric first aid training
Abi Cox
Senior Company Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead
Leanne Newman
Kingswood Settings Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead
Joanna Henshall
Yate Settings Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead

Lisa Swales
The Oaks Settings Manager
Designated Safegaurding Lead

The Oaks: 07483330634
Opening Hours Monday - Friday 07:30- 18:00
Little Oaks Day Nursery and Pre-School Local Offer
At Little Oaks Day Nursery and Pre-school, we strive to provide a safe and inclusive environment, in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 0-25 years. As a setting we are required to detail the information and services we can offer you if your child has an additional educational need or a disability.
Our Local Offer is a statement to define how we will support individual children.
Each child will have an allocated key person who will observe and plan activities around the child’s interest.
Summative Assessments of the children’s learning and development will be carried out and monitored by the Management team. These assessments will be shared with the parents and where concerns are raised a Setting Support Plan will be put into place.
At Little Oaks we have planned our environment to be inclusive and allow for accessibility. Adaptions can be made to accommodate children who have more complex needs.
The setting has an onsite Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) who can work with key carers
and parents to implement Setting Support plans and targets to help your child progress. We can also draw
up an individual health care plan if the need was more medical.
How parents/ carers are included in children’s education
Parent feedback and contributions are key when developing children’s learning.
At Little Oak’s we encourage and invite parents to -
• Attend the child’s first settling session
• Contribute weekly to children’s observations and learning objectives through daily conversations.
• Attend regular parent and key people meetings
• Have open and honest discussions about your child’s areas of learning and development.
• Become involved in events held at the setting.
• Make suggestions and contributions through regular parents surveys, emails or general feedback.
What Services are available?
• On site Nursery Senco
• The Nursery Manager has an open-door policy
• Good Links with our local authority and children centres.
• In house information evenings for parents e.g.: transition to school
• Experience with children with additional needs, Educational Health Care Plan and referral processes.
The Curriculum
At Little Oaks Day Nursery and Pre-school our activities are adapted to suit each child’s individual learning
and development needs. Relevant adaption’s will be made, if necessary to ensure your child can fully participate.
We provide varied learning opportunities in line with the Early Years Foundations stage.
Our overall aim is to ensure each child is happy, safe and striving to the best they can be.